Homeopathic Medicine is a great form of sports medicine. It can treat both preventatively and post-injury with rapid cure and no side effects. Homeopathic remedies strengthen the body’s vital force and immune system to give it maximum capacity to engage it’s own healing potential.
Homeopathy is very effective in treating colds and flus. Not only can a well selected remedy stop the condition where it is but also speed up recovery time. Thus the earlier a remedy is given the better. Following are some of the remedies used. When differentiating be sure to take into account the person's emotional state and main physical keynotes.
Homeopathy offers a gentle, non-suppressive way of treating everyday first aid conditions. How many of us have had a weekend or holiday ruined by ailments such as insect bites, sprains, nausea, car sickness, colds, etc! Well homeopathy has the answer to all these and many more.