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That is why I am telling you not to worry about your life and what you are to eat, nor about your body and what you are to wear. Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap or gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they are?

Jesus of Nazareth

Site Terms

Terms of Agreement Prior to Onilne Treatment


The Terms of Agreement for homeopathic online mangement offered on the Living Water Homeopathy website are as follows.


Reading, understanding and agreement to all of these terms, by a prospective online patient, is a necessary prerequisite for online homeopathic management to be undertaken. 

For the purpose of these Terms of Agreement an online patient is defined as anyone who

1. uses the online consultation service, or

2. acts on any homeopathic information contained in this site


Terms of Agreement

1.   This website does not manage patients online whose conditions are critical and/or need hospitalization. Likewise patients who have progressive pathological conditions eg: cancer, heart disease, etc. These conditions require expert, ongoing and one-to-one medical care. Homeopathy can certainly work alongside this medical care but that is beyond the scope of online homeopathic management.

2.    The information on this website does not substitute, or seek to replace, the patient-practitioner relationship between the user and their regular medical doctor. The content written on this site is based on the studies undertaken and the clinical experience of the author, Martin Costigan.

3.   Information relayed back to those under online homeopathic managment should be taken in conjunction with the information received from the patient's regular medical practitioner.

4.   The company who constructed this website, Orgenen, and Martin Costigan accept no responsibility for any consequences incurred by anyone who is either:

       a.   under online homeopathic management, or

       b.   acts on any content of this website

5.   Living Water Homeopathy always seeks the best possible result for patient management whether carried out in the home clinic or online. Martin Costigan cannot guarantee successful management in every case, and acceptance of this fact by any person seeking online homeopathic treatment, is a prerequisite to receiving Homeopathic management. Successful management in every case is not claimed by Living Water Homeopathiy or Martin Costigan.

6.   Living Water Homeopathy accepts no responsibility for any complications which may result from online homeopathic management.

7.   It is the sole responsibility of anyone acting on information from this site, or receiving online homeopathic management, to take primary responsibility for their choice of medical care and its consequences.


Privacy Policy

Living Water Homeopathy considers patient confidentiality to be of paramount importance. Any patient testimonies on this site have been published with the permission of those patients. Names are always changed to protect the idenitity of individuals.

Disclaimer: Homeopathy is a traditional medicine. It may be used in conjunction with other medicines. For any ongoing chronic condition, it is important to be assessed or examined by your healthcare professional or specialist. Always seek medical advice in emergencies. 




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Living Water Homeopathic Medicine Centre 2025 - Created by Orgenen.com