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What is it that stands higher than words? Action. What is it that stands higher than action? Silence.

Saint Francis of Assisi


What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy (Greek: homoios = same, pathos = suffering) is a system of medicine that was founded by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) based on the Law of Similars ("like cures like") which dates back to Hippocrates. This Law is as follows:

substances which are capable of producing specific symptoms in a healthy person will alleviate those same symptoms in a sick person

This principle was developed by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, 2,400 years ago but Samuel Hahnemann used it in a systematic way in developing Homeopathy.

Samuel Hahnemann was a German doctor who became disillusioned with many of the practices of orthodox medicine in his time. Strong medicines (even poisonous substances in their raw states), purgatives, blood-letting and other severe practices were often employed. He gave up the practice of medicine and to support his family began translating books. Hahnemann was fluent in a number of languages including his native German, Latin, Greek, French, Itailian and English.

One day while he was translating Cullen's Materia Medica, Hahnemann noticed that the poisoning symptoms of Peruvian Bark (Cinchona) were similar to those of malaria. Coincidentally, Quinine which is used in Western Medicine to treat malaria, is actually derived from the Cinchona plant. Hahnemann actually ingested regular doses of quinine, and indeed, developed symptoms very similar to those of malaria. Thus he concluded that quinine's ability to cause malaria-like symptoms made it effective in managing the condition ie: like cures like.

Throughout the rest of his life, Hahnemann developed many other medicines from plants, animals and minerals and tested them on himself, his peers and many other healthy people; when a homeopathic remedy is tested (this is called a Proving) it is carried out on healthy people. In contrast, pharmaceutical drugs are tested on sick people. Hahnemann achieved many outstanding successes during his lifetime with his medicines.

Today there are over 3000 different remedies which are chosen to match both condition symptoms and the patient's individual constitution.

Homeopathy is used worldwide and the World Health Organisation (WHO) has called for closer incorporation of homeopathy into ‘western medical systems.' A ranking of the world's top healing systems (including pharmaceutical drug therapy) carried out in 2003 showed that homeopathy was second only in popularity to traditional Chinese Medicine.

The wonderful benefits of Homeopathic Medicine include:


Address the whole person at the root of the problem

It is low risk

Uses natural, non-toxic medicines which produce no side effects

Manages each person as an individual

Manages physical as well as mental and emotional symptoms

Medicines are inexpensive

Management is cost effective


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